Friday, May 27, 2005


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I work with a young man that is getting married in a few weeks. He lives in a new apartment that he and his bride to be just leased. Right now he is sleeping in the second bed room because she has not moved in with him yet. He does not want to spoil their marriage bed before she moves in. Through the course of talking I have found out that he and her are virgins. - I do not want it to sound like a dirty word. Somthing that i admire about him. For having the strength and will power to succumb to a primal desire. I wish his and his bride to be all the best in the world, but somthing tells me on the wedding night I see a lot of crying and apologizing. I know that even given a second chance I could not do it. I have to say that I love women too much to not want to know the way they feel. The soft touch of her skin, the sweet scent of her perfume and kiss of her lips. If given a second chance could/would you wait?

Friday, May 20, 2005


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I know this blog has been short on stories. And thats ok too. I will continue when the mood strikes me. *Promise* -- R

Question: What do you find sexy? -- For me its always been two things in a woman. Her smile and her hips and legs. I'm not a big boob man like some of my friends. I have always loved the way hips define the shape of a woman. Long legs that look wonderful in stockings...... As for her smile that gives me a clue to whats on the inside. Every woman smiles. Sometime its for somthing simple like a flower or the sun on her face. Other times its a nervous smile to keep her in pleasent company. either way its a glimpse to whats on the inside.

Please let me know what you find sexy in a partner. -- R

WHOOPS..... I deleted a comment from a reader. She asked if this question was only posted for men. -- No not at all I would love to hear the view point of a woman to see what she finds sexy in a man or woman. --R

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Questions for men and women....

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Well first off let me say Im sorry for not posting. I've just been to busy in the "real" waking world to post. I will finish the story -- Promise. Secondly I have a question to ask. When was the first time you were attracted to some one of the opposite (or same) sex?
I remember first being smitten with a girl named Carrie back in grade school. She was a picture perfect American girl next door. Strawberry blond w/ freckles on her face. I think it was about 5th grade or so. I ran in to her when I was in college at a bar. This hot red haired girl taps me on the shoulder and asks "Hey are you Ricardo ?". I took a drink from my beer and said "yes I was now who are you?" In my head I thought of all sorts of sexy thought that I could have with a hot red headed beauty. She smiled and said Carrie C***n. I smiled and thought "wow you have grown up." We spoke for a little bit and drank a beer. -- The bad part of the story is that she was with her boyfriend. I never did see her again. -- Such is life.
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